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What will happen if we ignore God’s commands for women to be homemakers?


What does it mean in Titus 2:5 when it says that women are to be homemakers so that “…the Word of God may not be blasphemed”?


Or in 1 Timothy 5:14 when it says that women are to care for husbands, children and homes so that they “…give no opportunity to the adversary to speak reproachfully”?

Or in Proverbs 14:1 “The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her own hands.”

There was a time before the feminist movement, when women desired marriage above all earthly aspirations, and would get married soon after high school.

But since the feminist movement, girls and young woman have been taught that their future career is of the utmost importance. Family is secondary. So, before a young woman (age 18 perhaps) even steps into the workforce, she plans for her career, and seeks higher education, thereby postponing marriage.

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But just because marriage can be put off so easily, does not mean that the natural desires for procreation can easily be ignored. When marriage is delayed, pre-marital sex increases; along with emotional baggage that may haunt her and her future spouse for the rest of their lives together.


Sexually transmitted diseases increase as well.

When an individual experiences multiple sexual partners before marriage, there is greater likelihood that the individual will continue to have multiple sexual partners after marriage. This is true because those who have committed pre-marital sex have already violated their future vow of chastity, making it easier to do so again. Adultery increases.

Sexually active couples who are holding off on marriage will also want to hold off on having children. Contraception and abortifacients increase, along with the grotesque procedure we call abortion.


This leads to a decrease in that nation’s population (excluding immigration), and a people’s culture will be lost. We are witnessing this throughout the western world, where we are losing our Christian culture, in part, because we are not having enough children. 


When they do marry, the couple notices that they have accumulated a fair amount of student loan debt. They decide that it would be best for her to get a job and start paying off that debt. In their minds they think it would be a waste of her education for her not to do so. They continue to use contraception, despite the well-known fact that once a woman reaches the age of 30 her fertility drops drastically.  Her biological clock is ticking. 

The couple decides that they are ready for a child and the wife does become pregnant. She works uncomfortably pregnant for the last few months before the due date, and then hesitantly received her maternity leave. In her mind she is thinking that this is just a minor interruption and that she will be back to work in no time. Most of her co-workers understand the situation and only a few are frustrated with having to pick up her slack. Her boss on the other hand, is thinking about the money lost, due to his well-oiled machine slowing down during her absence, but unable to do a thing about it because his hands are legally tied.


The couple decides to put their baby into the best daycare possible, so that the mother can return to work. Every morning she gets up and rushes to get herself ready. She then wakes the baby up from his nice warm crib, straps him down to his car seat, and drives him to the daycare. He cries for her and begs that she doesn't leave him with strangers. But the mother is reassured that his crying is normal and that he will get over it soon. Eventually the child learns that this is the routine. 


After a long day of work, she picks him up and drives home. She tries to fix something quick for supper (often times a pre-packaged meal) and starts washing the dishes that have been piling up. She then gives her boy a bottle of formula and lays him on the floor while she starts the laundry which has also been piling up.




Frustrated, she has a few words for her husband and demands that he be more helpful. He agrees and will start right after the game is over. Husbands have been more than happy to lay their responsibilities at the feet of their wives. Oftentimes creating what we call "man-child syndrome" where the husband becomes more immature and does very little but drink beer and watch sports. She continues working on household tasks throughout the evening, knowing that she can’t get everything done, but figures it can wait till the weekend. She puts her baby to sleep and then goes to bed; ready to start it all over again in the morning.

Years pass by and life has become even more stressful and rushed. It just seems as if there are more tasks to do everyday. In ages past (before the two-income philosophy), the wife was home doing the things that needed to get done while the husband was at work. The evening hours were spent enjoying one another on the porch or in the living room among family and friends. Today, those same duties still need to get done, but now they must be squeezed into the evening hours, making for a very long and stressful day. Children are receiving less time and less instruction from their parents. Home worship (or home devotions) are almost nonexistent. The television, being used as a baby sitter, becomes the primary influence on the children. A few years later their primary influence will become their friends.


With Dad working his job and Mom working her job, no one is raising their children. Sure, they will learn things by going to school, but even the best teacher cannot raise a classroom of students. To raise a child, someone needs to be around that child to correct the thousands of little mistakes that he inevitably makes, such as his manners and his immature behavior. Somone needs to be giving that child attention. And when the situation is more severe, to physically discipline the child by spanking him, which the school is not allowed to do. Have we not all witnessed a rise in bratty, rude, disrespectful children. It is because we have a society of children which have, by and large, not been raised.

The husband comes home from a long day’s work and doesn’t understand why the house is always a mess and why they are always ordering out. He tells his wife that he wants the house clean and some real food on the table. To which she replies “You’re not the only one bringing in a paycheck, I work too! It’s about time we share the household responsibilities! From now on, you clean the house, and do the dishes, wash clothes, and change the baby! And you might as well do the grocery shopping and the budget while you’re at it!” She slams the door and walks out of the room. With an increase in stress there is also an increase in fights and arguments.


Soon the couple becomes fed up with one another and they seek companionship elsewhere. The husband doesn’t want to come home at night to hear his wife nagging and he decides to spend more time with that fun female co-worker down at the local bar.

Proverbs 7:10-12 describe her well: “With the attire of a harlot, and a crafty heart. She was loud and rebellious. Her feet would not stay at home. At times she was outside, at times in the open square, Lurking at every corner.”



This leads to adultery and then divorce. It is no wonder that the divorce rate is over 50%, when men spend more time with their coworking women than they do with their own wives. These female co-workers became the helpmeet that God intended his wife to be.


At this point, the ex-wife will often times seek government welfare. She went from depending on her husband to depending on her government. The freedom and independence that the feminists promised, somehow, did not materialize.


After years of very little guidance, the ex-couple's children grow older and become teenagers. Society tells us that it is perfectly normal for teenagers to go through a rebellious stage where they spend more time with peers and succumb to pressure for drugs, alcohol, porn, and pre-marital sex. Juvenile delinquency increases, and the children run the streets, getting into trouble, and hurting others. Crimes of all types increase. It wasn't always like this. 

If young men do not get married at this point in time, it gets even worse for society at large. Without women to marry (because most are going to school and getting careers), these men continue to act immature and reckless. What most people do not realize is that women have the power to tame men. Not by nagging, badgering, or giving orders but by their quiet feminine nature and by the children that they would bare. A man’s wife and children gave him a reason to settle down. He intuitively knows that they depend on him and that he needs to grow up, provide for them, and protect them. Without women to marry, these men will remain immature long after their bodies have matured.  


This becomes very dangerous for a civilized society because it’s like having a rebellious, immature child living in the body of a man in peak physical condition, and all the perceived invincibility that comes with it. These men roam around, street to street, looking for trouble; looking for ways to prove their manhood. They do this through drinking, drugs, reckless driving, premarital sex, violating women, fighting, murdering, burglary, and joining gangs.  Abortion also increases. If you look at crime statistics, most violent crimes are committed by young unmarried men. 

For many decades, big government and big business have been working together, trying to employ more women as a cheap labor force. “Bring Your Daughters to Work Day”, is just one example among dozens of laws passed designed to increase wages for women and bring more women into the workforce. Inevitably, this shrinks a businesses’ checkbook, which could have been used to employ more family men or increase his wages.


The feminists' demand for "Equal Pay" has had severe consequences on the family economically.  Employers of the 70s, 80s, and 90s, knowing that most families had two incomes, did not feel that it was necessary for a husband and wife to be bringing in two Family Wages. So, employers shifted from paying their employees a Family Wage to paying them a Living Wage. So, in reality, men began to be paid less for their work, even if they only had one income coming into the family. This was good for big business that used women as cheap labor, but bad for families who only had one income.

Because our society is now based around the two-income-philosophy, many hard working, well-intentioned men are forced to work longer hours away from their wives and children, which is never good for building strong family ties.


And as an added consequence, they then work more hours with co-workers who are often times female, increasing the chances of adultery and divorce. Spending more time with these working women and less time with their wives is a recipe for disaster.


There has been a drastic increase in male suicides since the feminist movement. (You wouldn't believe me if I wrote it, so I encourage you to look it up.) With more women in the workforce than ever before (over 60%) there are fewer jobs for men to attain. This coupled with the rejection by women who are seeking higher education and career, men have lost purpose in their lives. They have lost their identity and feel very little self-worth

Governments and businesses have also promoted unfair hiring practices, where women are given preferential treatment despite their qualifications. On nearly every application today you will find the statement “Women and minorities are encouraged to apply”. What we have here is permitted and encouraged discrimination, making it more difficult for men to become employed and support a family. 


Because there are fewer jobs on the market, many men will have to settle with less fulfilling jobs, to provide for their families. But getting up every day and going to a job that makes you unhappy, only adds to the stress and arguments, making family life difficult, which in turn increases the chances of divorce, or living out miserable marriages.

Our government encouraging this propaganda to such an extent that they are willing to sacrifice human lives for the feminist agenda, by lowering standards throughout the military and paramilitary occupations. When standards are lowered, lives are lost. The mainstream media rarely reports the deadly consequences of this policy but only presents military women in a positive light.  


With marriages being delayed and contraception being used, there are less children being born. The fewer children born, the fewer students and parishioners to keep our teachers and preachers employed. The fewer children being born, the less teachers, preachers, and missionaries. This then slows the spread of the gospel. This correlates to less people in heaven. Fewer souls saved. The feminist idea of less-children stands in sharp contrast to the words of Jesus when He told us to pray for more workers because the harvest is plentiful.

Some will see these empty pews and think we need to get more involvement, so they are thrilled to see women rise to this challenge. Doors have now been made open to women, such as ushers, suffrage, or even female pastors. Whatever the position, when women take the initiative and become more active, men by their nature will become even more passive and let the women do so. The Church will have less men volunteering, and less men participating in the church services. The men will see the church as another feminine organization and will have less of a desire to join and participate. 

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Here is a simple truth: the more a woman does, the more a man will sit back. If he sees the church as a feminine institution or religion in general as a feminine study, he will not be eager to lead his family to church or lead his family in home devotions. If he sees that his wife knows more about religion than he, he will most often abdicate his role as spiritual head. When his children ask him a religious question, he will tell them, “Go ask your mother”.

When children don’t see both parents united in their spiritual effort, religion then becomes an issue of doubt and uncertainty. The child thinks to himself, “My mom says this, but my dad says that”. Or they see their mom going to church but their father staying home. These opposing views confuse the children. No child wants to accept that either parent is doing something wrong, so they rationalize that neither is right or wrong, and all becomes relative. Going to church may be right for mom but may not be necessarily right for dad. Therefore, the child is left wondering if it is right or wrong for him. When he does make up his mind, it will usually be on the side of the parent he most identifies with.

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Also, when women work outside their homes, the grandparents often times become neglected, and are needlessly placed into nursing homes, away from the people that they love and away from the surroundings they feel comfortable in. They will sit in their wheelchairs day after day, and sometimes year after year, asking “when do I get to go home?” But with as sad as that is, the worst part about it is that they will often times find themselves dying alone, in their beds, surrounded by strangers who know very little about the true God, and therefore unable to comfort them during their final journey.

When a society confuses the roles between men and women, the men and women will inevitably take on each other's roles. Not only at work, or church, but even in the bedroom. Homosexuality increases. These men who have been raised to be feminine will often times gravitate toward a feminine identity and will seek after masculine partners. They and their transexual friends are simply living out the next logical step in the androgynist agenda the feminists were pushing for. 

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What many families have not understood is that a woman's role is absolutely necessary for maintaining societal order. If women neglect their home for a career - civilization itself will quickly unravel. Which is what we are witnessing today.


The Feminist notion that men and women are the same, and their roles are interchangeable, that women don't need men and men don't need women, and that children are unnecessary burdens, these are all foolish lies from the pit of Hell. These theories have no place within the walls of our churches, for they are heresies. 

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